Prize Winners

Topics of Prize Winners

JUL. 2024
Naotaka Tsutsumi, a winner of the 17th (FY 2023) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize, was appointed as Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Cellular and Structural Physiology Laboratory (CeSPL), TMDU Advance Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University.
APR. 2024
Takahiro Shimojima, a winner of the 17th (FY 2023) Kazato Prize, was appointed as Professor, Grad uate School of Science, Nagoya University.
FEB. 2024
Hideaki Kato, a winner of the 15th (FY 2021) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize, was appointed as Professor at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), the University of Tokyo.
JAN. 2023
Naotaka Tomioka, a winner of the 2nd (FY 2008) Kazato Prize, was designated as a fellow at Mineralogical Society of America (MSA).
FEB. 2022
Koji Harano, a winner of the 9th (FY 2015) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize, was appointed as Principal Researcher at Microscopy Group, Advanced Materials Characterization Field, Center for Basic Research on Materials.
AUG. 2019
Koji Harano, a winner of the 9th (FY 2015) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize, a research was published in Nature Communications.
APR. 2019
Motomichi Koyama, a winner of the 11th (FY 2017) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize, was appointed as Associate Professor at Environmentally Robust Materials, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University.
APR. 2019
Yoshitaka Hamanaka, a winner of the 3th (FY 2009) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize, was appointed as Assistant professor at Shiga laboratory, Laboratory of CNB (Comparative NeuroBiology), Osaka University.
SEP. 2018
Osamu Ichii, a winner of the 10th (FY 2016) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize, at Associate Professor, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, received Veterinary Science Awards (FY 2018-FY 2019), The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science.
AUG. 2018
Masaki Tanaka, a winner of the 6th (FY 2012) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize, was appointed as Professor at Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University.
APR. 2018
Yoshitaka Hamanaka, a winner of the 3th (FY 2009) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize, at Graduate School of Science / Faculty of Science, Osaka City University, received Yoshida Prize, The Japanese Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry.
DEC. 2017
Naoya Shibata, a winner of the 6rd (FY 2012) Kazato Prize, was appointed as Professor at Institute of Engineering Innovation, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo.
APR. 2017
Shigeki Watanabe, a winner of the 9nd (FY 2015) Kazato Prize (Department of Cell Biology, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University),received The Young Scientists' Prize of The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
JAN. 2017
Kentaro Terada, a winner of the 2nd (FY 2008) Kazato Prize (Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), a research was published online in the UK scientific journal "Nature Astronomy".
JUL. 2014
Naotaka Tomioka, a winner of the 2rd (FY 2008) Kazato Prize, was appointed as Senior Scientist at Geochemical Research Group, Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research.
MAR. 2014
Tomoko Kamasaki, a winner of the 6th (FY 2012) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize, was appointed as Postdoctoral fellow at Creative Research Institution Hokkaido University.
NOV. 2013
Naoya Shibata, a winner of the 6th (FY 2012) Kazato Prize, (Institute of Engineering Innovation, Associate Professor , The University of Tokyo), received the Sir Martin Wood Prize from the Millennium Science Forum.
JUN. 2013
Yoshitaka Hamanaka, a winner of the 3rd (FY 2009) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize, ( Graduate School of Life Science Hokkaido University), received the Narishige Zoological Science Award 2013 from the Zoological Society of Japan.
May 2013
Tomoko Kamasaki, a winner of the 6th (FY 2012) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize (Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University), received the Young Scientist Awardat The 65th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Cell Biology.
AUG. 2012
Terunaga Nakagawa, a winner of the 5th (FY 2011) Kazato Prize, was appointed as Associate Professor at Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Center for Structural Biology, Vanderbilt University, School of Medicine.
May 2012
Eiji Abe, a winner of the 3rd (FY 2009) Kazato Prize (School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo), received the 57th Seto Award 2012 (Society Award) from the Japanese Society of Microscopy.
Apr. 2012
Jun Kikkawa, a winner of the 4th (FY 2010) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize, was appointed as Researcher at Electron Microscopy Group, Surface Physics and Structure Unit, Advanced Key Technologies Division, National Institute for Materials Science.
Apr. 2012
Kentaro Terada, a winner of the 2nd (FY 2008) Kazato Prize, was appointed as Professor at Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University.
May 2011
Masashi Watanabe, a winner of the 1st (FY 2007) Kazato Prize (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Lehigh University), received the 56th Seto Award 2011 (Society Award) from the Japanese Society of Microscopy.
Apr. 2011
Kentaro Terada, a winner of the 2nd (FY 2008) Kazato Prize (Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University), received the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.
Jun. 2010
Teruyasu Mizoguchi, a winner of the 2nd (FY 2008) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize (Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo), received the 64th Advancement Award 2009 from the Ceramic Society of Japan.
May 2010
Teruyasu Mizoguchi, a winner of the 2nd (FY 2008) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize (Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo), received the 11th Encouragement Award 2010 from the Japanese Society of Microscopy.
Dec. 2009
Teruyasu Mizoguchi, a winner of the 2nd (FY 2008) Kazato Research Encouragement Prize was appointed as Associate Professor at Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo.
May 2009
Kaoru Mitsuoka, a winner of the 1st (FY 2007) Kazato Prize (Biomedicinal Information Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), received the Seto Award 2009 (Society Award) from the Japanese Society of Microscopy.
May 2009
Masahide Kikkawa, a winner of the 2nd (FY 2008) Kazato Prize, was appointed as Professor at Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo.
May 2009
Kentaro Terada, a winner of the 2nd (FY 2008) Kazato Prize, was appointed as Professor at Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University.
Jan. 2009
Masashi Watanabe, a winner of the 1st (FY 2007) Kazato Prize, was appointed as Associate Professor at Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Lehigh University.

Last Update: July 12, 2024

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