Prize Winners

List of Prize Winners : Kazato Prize

*Organizations of prize winners are at the time of winning.

FY 2024

Shotaro Otsuka

Shotaro Otsuka

(Group Leader, Max Perutz Lab)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Revealing the dynamics of endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope,and nuclear pores at high spatio-temporal resolution

Tadashi Machida

Tadashi Machida

(Senior Scientist, Center for emergent matter science, Riken)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Development of an ultra-low temperature scanning tunnelingMicroscope and its application to emergent quantum phenomena

FY 2023

Takahiro Shimojima

Takahiro Shimojima

(Senior research scientist, Center for emergent matter science, Riken)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Dynamics study of the photo-induced high-speed phenomenon by constructing a photoexcitation pump-probe electron microscope system

Junichi Ikenouchi

Junichi Ikenouchi

(Professor, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Elucidation of molecular mechanisms of membrane structure formation in epithelial cells

FY 2022

Yuki Ohsaki

Yuki Ohsaki

(Professor, Department of Anatomy I, School of Medicine, Sapporo Medical University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Biogenesis and physiological functions of nuclear lipid droplets

Ryo Ishikawa

Ryo Ishikawa

(Project Associate Professor, Institute of Engineering Innovation, The University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Three-dimensional imaging of atomic defects in crystal by using atomic resolution STEM

FY 2021

Makoto Kuwahara

Makoto Kuwahara

(Associate Professor, Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability, Nagoya University)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Development of a spin-polarized pulse electron gun for time-resolved transmission electron microscopy

Tomohiro Nishizawa

Tomohiro Nishizawa

(Professor, Graduate School of Medical Life Science Department of Medical Life Science, Yokohama City University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Membrane protein dynamics revealed by cryo-EM

FY 2020

Takeshi Noda

Takeshi Noda

(Professor, Institute for Frontier Life and Medicall Sciences , Kyoto University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Elucidation of virus replication mechanisms by using electron microscopy

Yuki Kimura

Yuki Kimura

(Associate Professor, Instetute of Low Temperature Science , Hokkaido Univesety)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

In-situ Observation of Dynamics of Nucleation from Ionic Liquid Solution by Transmission
Electron Microscopy

FY 2019

Akihiko Hirata

Akihiko Hirata

(Professor,Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Local structure analysis of amorphous materials using STEM electron diffraction technique

Atsunori Oshima

Atsunori Oshima

(Professor,Cellular and Structural Physiology Institute, Nagoya University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Structural analysis of intercellular communication channels by cryo electron microscopy

FY 2018

Satoko Arakawa

Satoko Arakawa

(Junior Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Electronics,Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Discovery of alternative autophagy using ultramorphology

Yoshiaki Sugimoto

Yoshiaki Sugimoto

(Associate Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Characterrization and manipulation of single atoms and molecules by scanning probe microscopy

FY 2017

Yoshihiko Togawa

Yoshihiko Togawa

(Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Electronics, Osaka Prefecture University)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Demonstration and Exploring Functionality of Macroscopic Spin Phase OrderUsing Transmission Electron Microscopy

Kenjiro Ono

Kenjiro Ono

(Professor, Department of Neurology, Showa University School of Medicine)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Elucidation of the Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis by using electron and atomic force microscopies

FY 2016

Shigeki Kawai

Daiju Kitagawa

(Professor, Division of Molecular Genetics, National Institute of Genetics)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Elucidating the structural basis of centriole formation using electron microscopy

Shigeki Watanabe

Teruyasu Mizoguchi

(Associate Professor, Institute of IndustrialScience, University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Basics and application of first principles calculation of ELNES

FY 2015

Shigeki Kawai

Shigeki Kawai

(Senior Scientist, Nanolino - Meyer Group, Department of Physics, University of Basel)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Study of high-resolution atomic force microscopy and molecular

Shigeki Watanabe

Shigeki Watanabe

(Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Cellular and molecular characterizations of synaptic vesicle cycle

FY 2014

Shiro Suetsugu

Shiro Suetsugu

(Professor,Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

The study on membrane morphology regulated by membrane bindindg proteins

Hidetaka Sawada

Hidetaka Sawada

(Manager Group 1,EMBU Technical division,JEOL Ltd.)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Development of spherical aberration corrector (Delta Corrector) and SRAM aberration measurement

FY 2013

Masanori Koshino

Masanori Koshino

(Nanotube Research Center ,Team Leader National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Characterization of structures and electronic states based on single atom and single molecule

Kazutoshi Tani

Kazutoshi Tani

(Associate Professor, Cellular and Structural Physiology Institute,Nagoya University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Structural analysis of two dimensional membrane protein crystals by cryo-electron microscopy

FY 2012

Kiminori Toyooka

Kiminori Toyooka

(R&D Programs·Senior Research Scientist, RIKEN Plant Science Center)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Study of Novel Intracellular Transport Pathways by Electron Microscopy

Naoya Shibata

Naoya Shibata

(Institute of Engineering Innovation, Associate Professor , The University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Atomic-scale characterization of material interfaces by annular bright-field and differential phase contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy

FY 2011

Masaya Uchida

Masaya Uchida

(Associate Professor at Advanced Science Research Laboratory,Saitama Institute of Technology)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Achievement of Electron Beams Carrying Angular Orbital Momentum

Terunaga Nakagawa

Terunaga Nakagawa

(Assistant Professor at Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California,San Diego)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Analysis of Formation Process of Cerebellar Glutamate Receptor Complexes By Electron Microscopy

FY 2010

Takashi Ishikawa

Takashi Ishikawa

(Senior Scientist at Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Structural Analysis of Flagella and Cilia by Cryo-Electron Tomography

Shigeo Mori

Shigeo Mori

(Professor at Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Study of Physical Properties of Functional Materials Using Electron Microscope

FY 2009

Eiji Abe

Eiji Abe

(Associate Professor at School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Local Structural Analysis of Complex Compounds by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

Atsuo Miyazawa

Atsuo Miyazawa

(Professor at Graduate School of Life Science, University of Hyogo)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Structural Physiology Study of Neuro-Signaling Mechanism by Electron Microscopy

FY 2008

Masahide Kikkawa

Masahide Kikkawa

(Special Professor at Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Structural Analysis of Microtubule-Based Motors by Cryo-Electron Microscopy

Kentaro Terada

Kentaro Terada

(Associate Professor at Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

New frontier of chronology of the Solar System based on the in-situ absolute dating
- Deciphering of the history of the Solar System by SIMS -

Naotaka Tomioka

Naotaka Tomioka

(Associate Professor at Institute for Study of the Earth’s Interior, Okayama University)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Origin and Evolution of Planetary Materials Probed by Microstructural Observations by ATEM

FY 2007

Masashi Watanabe

Masashi Watanabe

(Chief Researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Development of Methods for Evaluation and Quantitative Analysis of Materials at Atomic Scale by STEM

Kaoru Mitsuoka

Kaoru Mitsuoka

(Team Leader at Biological Information Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

High-Resolution 3D Structural Analysis of Membrane Proteins Using Cryo-Electron Microscope

Last Update: April 1, 2024

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