Prize Winners

List of Prize Winners : Kazato Research Encouragement Prize

*Organizations of prize winners are at the time of winning.

FY 2024

Mami Matsumoto

Mami Matsumoto

(Specially Appointed Assistant Professor,Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Nagoya City University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Analysis of adult neurogenesis in the brain using three-dimensional electron microscopy and machine learning

Kazuhiro Kobayashi

Kazuhiro Kobayashi

(Postdoctoral researcher, Research Center for Advanced Science andTechnology, the University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Structural visualization of G-protein activation

Kei Nakayama

Kei Nakayama

(Senior Researcher, Nanostructures Research Laboratory, Japan Fine Ceramics Center)

Scientific Field: Material Science

Study theme

Atomic-level analysis of charge-discharge reaction dynamics ofrechargeable batteries

Satoko Toyama

Satoko Toyama

(Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Material Science

Study theme

Development and application of quantitative magnetic field imaging at material interfaces by DPC STEM

FY 2023

Yuki Nomura

Yuki Nomura

(Senior Researcher, Nanostructures Research Laboratory, Japan Fine Ceramics Center)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Operando Transmission Electron Microscopy for Li-ion Batteries

Takayuki Nakamuro

Takayuki Nakamuro

(Project Associate Professor, Presidential Endowed Chair, The University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Quantitative analysis of molecular-level nucleation phenomena through transmission electron microscopy

Yuuta Imoto

Yuuta Imoto

(Assistant professor, Department of Developemental Neurobiology, St.Jude Children's Research Hospital)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Identification of synaptic multivesicular body formation and its molecular mechanisms by time-resolved electron microscopy imaging

Naotaka Tsutsumi

Naotaka Tsutsumi

(Assistant professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Okayama University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Structural analysis of T2R bitter taste receptors by cryo-EM

FY 2022

Hirotaka Nagai

Hirotaka Nagai

(Assistant Professor, Division of Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Elucidation of mechanisms of stress-induced brain function changes by three-dimensional electron microscopy

Kazuki Kato

Kazuki Kato

(Project Lecturer, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Visualizing the molecular evolution of CRISPR-Cas9

Ryotaro Aso

Ryotaro Aso

(Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Analysis of nanoscale electric field by high sensitivity electron holography

Takafumi Ishida

Takafumi Ishida

(Assistant Professor, Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability, Nagoya University)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Development of a high-speed direct electron detector using SOI technology

FY 2021

Satoshi Anada

Satoshi Anada

(Senior Researcher, Nanostructures Research Laboratory, Japan Fine Ceramics Center)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Development of high-speed TEM using an electrostatic subframing system and machine learning

Yuya Morimoto

Yuya Morimoto

(RIKEN Hakubi team leader, Cluster for Pioneering Research, RIKEN)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Micro-electron diffraction with attosecond electron beams

Akira Saito

Akira Saito

(Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Pathology, School of Medicine, Fukushima Medical University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Elucidating regulatory mechanisms of epithelial barrier by cingulin/paracingulin

Hideaki Kato

Hideaki Kato

(Associate Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Komaba Institute for Science, The University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Cryo-EM analysis of intermediate structures of channelrhodopsin

FY 2020

Lee Youngchan

Lee Youngchan

(Postdoctoral Reserrcher, Max Planck Instetute of Biophysics , Department of Structural Biology)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Structural pharmacology of amino acid transporters by cryogenic electron microscopy

Shingo Hirashima

Shingo Hirashima

(Lecturer, Department of Anatomy, Kurume University School of Medicine)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Three-dimensional ultrastructural analysis of heterologous cellular network associated collagen fiber and bone using array tomography

Rintaro Takahashi

Rintaro Takahashi

(Assistant Professor, Nagoya University)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

In situ observation of Polymersome fomation in an ionic liquid

Takehito Seki

Takehito Seki

(Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Development and application of ultra -high sensitive atomic-resolution imaging using a high-speed segmented STEM detector

FY 2019

Yukihiko Sugita

Yukihiko Sugita

(Specially appointed Assistant Professor, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Structural analysis of negative-strand RNA viruses by cryo-EM

Tomoka Hasegawa

Tomoka Hasegawa

(Assistant Professor, Developmental Biology of Hard Tissue, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Hokkaido University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

The newly effect of PTH in the bone-blood vessel linkage

FY 2019

Lin Yung-Chang

Lin Yung-Chang

(Researcher, Nanomaterials Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Imvestigation of the magnetic moment of single transition metal atom by using scanning electron vortex beam

Eita Tochigi

Eita Tochigi

(Associate Professor, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Investigation of local deformation and fracture phenomena by atomic-resolution in situ TEM mechanical test

FY 2018

Inoue Daisuke

Inoue Daisuke

(Postdoctoral Fellow, the Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Design of microtubule structure by DNA origami

Oi Takao

Oi Takao

(Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Clarification of the functional morphology of salt glands in Grasses by three-dimensional electron microscopy

Lin Yung-Chang

Lin Yung-Chang

(Researcher, Nanomaterials Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Imvestigation of the magnetic moment of single transition metal atom by using scanning electron vortex beam

Eita Tochigi

Eita Tochigi

(Associate Professor, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Investigation of local deformation and fracture phenomena by atomic-resolution in situ TEM mechanical test

FY 2017

Motomichi Koyama

Motomichi Koyama

(Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

In situ characterization of dislocation motion using electron channeling contrast imaging

Takanori Onouchi

Takanori Onouchi

(Senior Assistant Professor, Center for Research Promotion and Support, Fujita Health University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Correlative Light and electron microscopic studies on novel functions of APC protein in the intestinal epithelium cells

FY 2016

Koji Harano

Osamu Ichii

(Associate Professor, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine,Hokkaido)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Innovation of analysis method for the kidney pathology by applied technique of the scanning electron microscopy

Kazunori Shinomiya

Shunsuke Kobayashi

(Researcher, Nanostructures Research Laboratory, Japan Fine Ceramics Center)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Analysis of small lattice distortion on surfaces and interfaces using scanning tansmission electron microscopy

FY 2015

Koji Harano

Koji Harano

(Project Associate Professor, Organization for Interdisciplinary Research Projects,The University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Structural Study on Nucleation Mechanism of Crystalline Molecular Assemblies by Transmission Electron Microscopy

Kazunori Shinomiya

Kazunori Shinomiya

(Research Specialist, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Research Campus)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Electron-microscopy based connectomics of circutits in the fruit fly brain

FY 2014

Hirohiko Niioka

Hirohiko Niioka

(Assistant Professor,Graduate school of engineering science, Osaka University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Development of new probes for correlative light and electron microscopy and biological cellullar imaging

Hikaru Saito

Hikaru Saito

(Resercher,Quantum Nanoelectronics Reserch Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Enhanced emission of plasmonic resonators analized by CL

FY 2013

Takumi Sannomiya

Takumi Sannomiya

(Assistant Professor, Department of Metallurgy and Ceramics Sience, Graduate School of science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

TEM observation of dark Plasmon modes

Toshiyuki Oda

Toshiyuki Oda

(Reserch Associate, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Cryo-electron microscopy of Mechano-signaling in Eukaryotic flagella

FY 2012

Tomoko Kamasaki

Tomoko Kamasaki

(Postdoctoral Fellow, at Division of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Ultrastructural analysis of the mitotic spindle formation by 3-D electron tomography

Masaki Tanaka

Masaki Tanaka

(Associate Professor, at Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Direct analysis of atomic strain using aberration corrected HRTEM

FY 2011

Hirofumi Yanagisawa

Hirofumi Yanagisawa

(Research Associate at Instiute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Electron Coherence Measurement of Ultralow-Temperature Laser-Induced Field Electron Emission

Aussie Suzuki

Aussie Suzuki

(Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Ultrahigh-Resolution Spatiotemporal Analysis of Aurora B to Control Cell Division

FY 2010

Kenji Murakami

Kenji Murakami

(Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Stanford University School of Medicine)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Structural Study of Transcription Initiation in Eukaryotes by Cryo-Electron Microscopy

Jun Kikkawa

Jun Kikkawa

(Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Atomic and Electronic Structure Analysis of Rechargeable Battery Device Materials

FY 2009

Yoshihiko Togawa

Yoshihiko Togawa

(Special Instructor at 21st Century Scientific Research Institute, Osaka Prefecture University)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Study of Spin-Current-Induced Magnetization by Lorentz Electron Microscopy

Yoshitaka Hamanaka

Yoshitaka Hamanaka

(Senior Researcher at School of Advanced Sciences, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Analysis of Wavelength-Information Process Mechanism for Minimal Brains in Insects

FY 2008

Yuki Ohsaki

Yuki Ohsaki

(Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

Physiology of New Lipid Droplet Proteins and Their Morphological Fundamentals

Teruyasu Mizoguchi

Teruyasu Mizoguchi

(Assistant Professor at Institute of Engineering Innovation, the University of Tokyo)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Development of High-Precision, High-Speed ELNES Theoretical Calculation Technique and Its Application to Materials Study

FY 2007

Tomohiro Nishitani

Tomohiro Nishitani

(Basic Science Special Researcher at Advanced Technology Development Support Center, RIKEN)

Scientific Field: Materials Science

Study theme

Development of Photocathode Electron Source with High Brightness and High Spin-Polarization Capability

Akihiro Narita

Akihiro Narita

(Assistant Professor at School of Science, Nagoya University)

Scientific Field: Biological Science

Study theme

High-Resolution Structural Determination of ATP-State Actin Filaments

Last Update: April 1, 2024

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